CEO? Balanced Scorecard in Romania, implementare sau Blue Ocean Strategy, definire si implementare, segment unic de piata? Strategie Afacere?

Balanced Scorecard vs Blue Ocean Strategy in Romania

Blue Ocean Strategy & Work with us

Care este focusul principal pentru CEO / Owner in 2013?

Blue Ocean Strategy

Controlul Strategiei Afacerii


definirea Strategiei?

Cu alte cuvinte:

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)


Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS)?

Daca nu ai timp 10 minute pentru analiza link-urilor care deriva din acest post, poti sa il inchizi inca de pe acum…bounce rate-ul nu este scopul nostru numarul 1 in strategia de Online…stim, de obicei blogul este prea tehnic insa de data asta o sa incerc sa iti clarific extrem de simplu cele doua notiuni pe care sunt convins ca le-ai auzit pana acum.

Blue Ocean Strategy (“Create new demand in an uncontested market space”) si Balanced Scorecard (“Performance Management Tool – KPI”) sau mai exact definire si implementare / translatie Strategie Business!

Nu o sa detaliem latura de implementare a strategiei din BOS, o sa incercam sa comparam necesitatea BOS vs BSC in Romania.

BSC – “Balanced Scorecard is an integrated, organization-wide management system that drives, in an aligned manner, the transformation, improvement and modernization efforts of all hierarchical levels towards the accomplishment of organization’s Strategy. For this reason, Balanced Scorecard is also known as a Strategy Execution system.”

In Romania pentru CEO care ar trebui sa fie prima preocupare?

Sau altfel spus, in Romania unde sunt mai multe probleme, pe nivelul strategic al afacerii (la definirea pozitionarii – BOS, la definirea translatiei – HR Strategic…) sau de la cel tactic (Strategie de Vanzari) pana spre cel Operational (Management Vanzari)?

Brainstorming – Retea profesionala LinkedIn – Multumim pentru opinia ta!

Ca sa iti faci o idee despre aceste terminologii o sa iti prezint cateva resurse pe care personal de-a lungul timpului le-am pus in folderul must read despre BOS:

A. “The principles to create a Blue Ocean Strategy are:

  1. To create new consumption spaces.
  2. To focus on the global idea not on the numbers.
  3. To go beyond the existing demand.
  4. To ensure commercial viability of the BOS (Blue Ocean Strategy).”

“How to develop a market where competition is not important”

“If you want to be a winner in the future, you have to put aside the need for destructive competition between companies, and to expand the horizons of the market by creating value through innovation

B. “One of the first example companies that is highlighted as one who seized the opportunity of a Blue Ocean is Guy Laliberté’s Cirque du Soleil which took the falling demand of the International Circus and mixed it with the high value opportunity of Theatre, Ballet and Performance. Whilst the traditional circus had the restrictions and costs of animal welfare, falling demand and a loss of relevance, Cirque du Soleil managed to create a new industry that mixed the mystic of the Circus with the traditional high value of other forms of Entertainment. This meant that they could offer a product that was greater in price, and with a much better experience than the traditional circus.”

“Cea mai complexa recenzie Blue Ocean Strategy – Cirque du Soleil plus un exemplu de implementare in Romania”

C. “This leads us back to the theory. Does this evidence indicate Blue Ocean over Competitive Strategy? It is unlikely: Blue Oceans are rarely purely Blue and there is always some red water; especially in the short term. In other words, Blue Ocean does not make competition irrelevant. Successful long-term Blue Ocean Strategy means having a viable short term competitive strategy in place both to survive and perhaps fund value innovation

“Blue Ocean versus Competitive Strategy: Theory and Evidence”

“This leads to the question of whether blue ocean strategy is saying anything new, or if it is just Schumpeter‟s (1934) message that innovation is the primary driver for firm performance recast. The most relevant contribution of blue ocean strategy is to draw out the implications of the subtleties in entrepreneurship and innovation research…If there are barriers to imitation and if firms can continually find uncontested markets or create new consumer demand through innovation, then the main strategic concern of firms is not managing competition, but rather managing innovation.”

D. “A classic example is the Australian Wine Yellow Tail in the USA market, a case that Kim and Mauborgne document fully in their book.” “Marginal Market Opportunities”

Nu cred ca in mediul actual de business, desi se poate devia si initia un topic separat, implementarea strategiei poate sa fie prima problema pentru mediul de business…

Cum altfel te poti diferentia? Implementand care pozitionare / strategie?

BSC – Implementare…

Globalizarea si competitia din ce in ce mai acerba, mai ales pentru companiile autohtone, forteaza deja de cativa ani companiile spre inovatie.

Indiferent despre ce tipologie de strategie discutam, Blue Ocean Strategy (Blue Ocean) sau Strategia de Diferentiere, acestea fac parte din procesele interne de Marketing Strategic unde implementarea (Balanced Scorecard – BSC) este a doua etapa…de translatie a strategiei.

In concluzie nu o sa aloc pentru Balanced Scorecard spatiu relevant in acest post dar si noi in procesul de Consultanta luam in calcul translatia strategiei si pozitionarea HR-ului la nivel strategic in Business si punem accent special pe acest aspect! As spune ca am insistat destul de mult pe semantica HR Strategic in 2012 unde chiar “l-am contrazis pe Philip Kotler” referitor la HR vs CFO…

In incheiere pentru definirea Strategiei Afacerii din care faci parte in 2013 ti-as sugera sa analizezi ultimul proiect al nostru de pozitionare Blue Ocean Strategy, Sleep Evolution » Holding de Companii Green Future, in care versus competitia existenta pozitionarea confera 5 avantaje vs 1, dezvoltand un nou segment de consumatori:

Strategie Dezvoltare 2013 » Inovare » Strategie Marketing 2013 » Business Strategy » Strategie Business » Marketing Strategie » Blue Ocean Strategy » Marketing 3.0 » Innovation » Marketing Strategy

Eliminate / Reduce Cost vs Raise and Create Value » Sleep Evolution?

Mai exista competitie in 2013? procese de Marketing Strategic in 2013? » Inovatie in 2013?

Un 2013 profitabil!

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