“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.” Peter Drucker


O privire in viitor… Orange Launch AD 1994:

Ways to think about market size. Benedict Evans "When you try to work out the market potential for something fundamentally new, you’re actually trying to ...


TOMA (* awareness) / diferentiatori:

Ramai informat(a) » Spam Free Update Strategie Digitala » In fiecare joi... Haideti sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume! Toata lumea vorbeste (* nivel declarativ) despre diferentiere & ...


The future of Marketing | Test Drive Mercedes

“Am o intrebare… cati dintre dumneavoastra acum cinci ani ati fi spus ca argumentul de marketing nr. 1 ca sa vinzi in prezent o ...


Cum definim notiunea de cluster? Clusterul, un model de afaceri inovator:

Care este pozitionarea ta vs competitia multinationala? La Workshopul pentru optimizarea Strategiei de Marketing in Industria Electronica si Software am avut doi invitati speciali. Le ...


ReBrand Romania, campanie nationala de constientizare… !

Din seria despre Cultura & Civilizatia Cucuteni... * Facebook, pentru cazul in care materialul video nu poate sa fie accesat in platforma Youtube. Vrei sa afli ...
