Impactul mediului digital in Branding… ?
Pur si simplu nu am putut sa nu introduc acest video in blog… am profitat de ocazie si ti-am asociat la “Winter Tale” cateva detalii complementare despre Storytelling » The Battle for Your Mind, Pozitionare & Branding Digital… Enjoy!
Focusing on the story » Cartier Winter Tale:
“The renowned jewelry brand Cartier has recently launched the 4th annual edition of “Winter Tale”, an inspiring campaign video that celebrates the joy of the gifting period, showcasing, in a glimpse, the magical world of this brand.The video itself is a continuation of an already existing platform, whose objective is to engage and excite brand loyalists with the latest emotional boost sealed in the story of the special Christmas gift. Initially, the video was activated as part of a social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram, and presented as a teaser before fully released for public.”
Digital Branding?
Branding Magazine / Luxury Brands in the Digital Era: Moschino, Gucci, Rolex, Givenchy, Bvlgari, Lamborghini, Giorgio Armani, Moet & Chandon (Champagne), Dolce & Gabbana, Hugo Boss, Burberry, Jaguar, Tiffany…
“Ever since the beginning of civilization, luxury goods and services have played an important role in various societies as dividers of social classes. Synonyms for wealth, luxury goods have always been welcomed by European kings, Chinese emperors, aristocrats and even ruthless dictators. With the industrial revolution in the 18th century, artists and craftsmen were slowly being replaced by mass production machines which further made possible the creation of Louis Vuitton, the oldest fashion brand in the world.The 20th century expanded the idea of luxury goods even further as brands opened their doors to customers across the entire world.”
WestJet » Real Time Giving:
Imagineaza-ti la decolare cum te intreaba “Mos Craciun Digital” despre dorintele tale iar la aterizare in loc de bagaje primesti din cala avionului visul tau…
Update via Adrian Dinca » » » Marketing in Recesiune
* luxury vs low cost?
Branding Digital? Comunicare / Notorietate vs Lead Generation?
Tweet this: The Magical World of #Christmas @WestJet & @Cartier #Digital #Branding / #Storytelling…
2014? 4P vs 5C » Audit Gratuit » Programeaza-l!
Ramai informat(a) » Despre Performanta…
Daniel Rosca, Sales & Marketing Manager
+40744336643 |
Tags: Adrian Dinca, Advertising, Agenţie Branding, Agentie Branding Cluj, Agenţie Digitală, Biborteni, Branding, Branding Magazine, Bvlgari, Cartier, Comunicare, Craciun Fericit, Digital, Digital Branding, Dolce & Gabbana, Evian, Giorgio Armani, Givenchy, Gucci, Hermes, Hugo Boss, Internet Marketing, Jaguar, Laurentiu Paun, Lead Generation, Luxury, Luxury Brand, Luxury Brands, Marketing Digital, Marketing Online, Merry Christmas, Moschino, Perenna, Perenna Premier, Poziţionare, Prada, Publicitate, Pull Marketing, Rolex, Rompetrol, Social Media, Storytelling, Strategie Business, Strategie Comunicare, Strategie Online, Strategie Social Media, Strategie Social Media 2014, Tiffany, WestJet, Winter Tale