Adaptare » Transparenta » Brand » Performanta » Brand Equity Route?
“The future belongs to brands that are true to themselves and to the people inside them”:
The Naked Brand – Official Trailer from The Naked Brand on Vimeo.
* Consumers have super powers
* The brand is what the brand does
* Internal culture
* Chief Culture Officer?
* Stronger alliances with CIO and HRD
* The prize » Brand Reputation
* Enables Innovation inside the business
* Creates consistency through a single view of the brand
* Next generation winners
* by People-Made
Inovatie » It’s all about the people » Innovation Ignition:
It’s all about people and leadership vision in the end… “Ignition is easy when the engine is tuned, and difficult when it isn’t.” ~ Innovation Excellence
Atribute Brand » Transparenta » Noncustomers » Stabilitate » Social Era:
1. Ce atribute de brand domina perceptia prospectilor tai vs competitie?
2. Cum este alcatuita arhitectura brandului tau?
3. Strategia de Comunicare respecta Brand Equity Route?
4. Ai eliminat orice risc pentru prospectul tau?
5. Generezi vs competitie valoare adaugata?
6. Ai un produs unic in industrie?
Pe culmile disperarii…
Transparenta? Fara competitie? Don’t Compete with Rivals, Make them Irrelevant:
Stabilitate si performanta in recesiune? Un aliat strategic 365 de zile din 365 / 24 din 24?
2 minute de analiza » Fara competitie:
* fara competitie in Romania
Echilibru in recesiune?
Iti stau la dispozitie pentru orice informatii suplimentare / aditionale! Zero obligatii!
Daniel Rosca
Tags: 2013, Brand Equity, Brand Equity Management, Brand Equity Route, Branding, Climat performanta, Daniel ROŞCA, Digital, Innovation, Innovation Excellence, Inovare, Inovaţie, Marketing Strategic, Performanta, Poziţionare, reBranding, Strategie Brand, Viziune