Recomandarea saptamanii: Ciocolata Alba si Crema “de” Rom… ?

Nigger | White Chocolate. Klaus?

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In US ne lasa sa inregistram brandul de ciocolata alba Nigger?

“Nigger please!! it’s a White house.”

Klaus, te rugam… #NuSuntemROMi!

“By the 1900s, nigger had become a pejorative word. In its stead, the term colored became the mainstream alternative to negro and its derived terms. Abolitionists in Boston, Massachusetts, posted warnings to the Colored People of Boston and vicinity. Writing in 1904, journalist Clifton Johnson documented the “opprobrious” character of the word nigger, emphasizing that it was chosen in the South precisely because it was more offensive than “colored.” Established as mainstream American English usage, the word colored features in the organizational title of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, reflecting the members’ racial identity preference at the 1909 foundation. In the Southern United States, the local American English dialect changes the pronunciation of negro to nigra.

By the late 1960s, the social change achieved by groups in the United States such as the Civil Rights Movement (1955–68), had legitimized the racial identity word black as mainstream American English usage to denote black-skinned Americans of African ancestry.”

Domnule Presedinte, 2010…

“Sute de milioane de oameni de pe Planetă n-au studii filologice şi de etimologie. Ei fac o asociere firească (şi justă!) între terminaţia -ia / -(an)ia şi ţara (= naţiunea ei) care are această particulă: Britania = brit + ania = “ţara briţilor, a englezilor”; Mauretania = maur + (et)ania = “ţara maurilor”, deci România = rom + ania = “ţara romilor”. E incorect. Se creează o falsă direcţionare”… Traian Băsescu declarând că schimbarea denumirii din ”țigan” în ”rom” a fost o greșeală deoarece se poate face o confuzie.

ROM Autentic / Kandia Dulce, 100% gratuit!

Tricolorul jos de pe ambalaj sau demnitate?

1. Susținem rectificarea in DEX: ROM în “ţigan”
2. Susținem rectificarea primelor 3 litere mari * ROM, din identitatea vizuală a brandului turistic.
3. Suntem împotriva lipsei de reactie a autorităţilor din ROMânia vs reputaţia naţionala

Kandia, garatam, cea mai importanta campanie din ‘ 64 pana in prezent:


ROMân? Demnitate? Intra in grup si distribuie mesajul:

Tweet: “#ROMania @KlausIohannis @ROM_autentic vrem #demnitate! #NuSuntemROMi!”

B2B vs B2C? Expertiza profesionala fondator Agentie B2B Strategy, Daniel Rosca, LI:

+40744336643 | |


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