Despre experiente Orange in retail…

Viziune Orange 2020 & Lansare concept retail ‘smart shop’

The Group opens its first Smart Shop in Romania

Orange has selected Romania as the location to open its first Smart Shop.

A revolutionary shop concept whose hallmark is the omnipresence of more personalized digital and telecommunications services than ever to guarantee an unparalleled experience for all its customers.

The shop, which opened in December 1989, is in the city of Cluj Napoca on 21st December 1989 boulevard.

It has been completely renovated and it reopened its doors to its customers on March 20 of this year:

OrangeShop w GFX from Laviniu Lazar on Vimeo.

Why Romania?

Orange’s Romanian subsidiary has a long tradition of innovation and openness to technologies that are still experimental. Romania has been the site of a large number of pre-premiere launches: EDGE, HD Voice technology, and very recently, the new TV Passpoint key.

As announced at the launch of the new Essentials2020 Group strategic plan on March 17, several key areas will be developed to offer Orange customers an unrivaled experience.

In Romania, half a billion euros will be invested for this purpose by the end of 2018.

The new Smart Shop concept is a clear move in this direction. Its purpose is to invite customers on a real in-shop digital journey to discover all that technology can bring to their day-to-day lives.

A new design, inspired by everyday life:

Mai multe despre viziunea Orange 2020?
“notre priorité : une expérience Orange incomparable

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B2B vs B2C? Expertiza profesionala fondator Agentie B2B Strategy, Daniel Rosca, LI:

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