Ways to think about market size. Benedict Evans
“When you try to work out the market potential for something fundamentally new, you’re actually trying to resolve two, linked problems.
First, you have to look past what it is now, and see how much better and cheaper it might become.
Second, you need to think about who would buy it now, and who else would buy it once it is better and cheaper, and how it might be used.
The second problem is actually the hard one. Anyone with a sense of history ought to have been able to look at a phone the size of a brick and say ‘well, this could come down to the size of a pack of cards and cost $100, given time:
Just as anyone should have been able to look at the Krieger electric landaulet above and see that it would get much better and much cheaper, just as trains and steamships had done. If you understood technology, that much was pretty easy.
But if automobiles had only replaced existing horse-drawn carriages and carts then the market would have been much smaller.”
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Tags: Analiza de Piata, Analiza Piata, B2B Strategy™, Benedict Evans, Cercetari de Marketing, Evolutie, Harold Geneen, Job in Sibiu, Marketing în recesiune, Online Gallery, Orange, Think Outside the Box