Inovatie in Romania? Brainstorming?
“Stop wasting time and energy trying to keep your ideas from other. Focus instead on unlocking the value from those ideas – before someone else does.”
Procese de inovare in Romania? “The Innovation Matrix”, “Procter & Gamble as an open innovation case study” – Tim Kastelle, Marketing 3.0?
Il citesc de ceva vreme pe Tim Kastelle, dimineata, pornind de la postul din contul de Twitter am ajuns sa ma intreb in cat timp mediul de business din Romania o sa considere procesul de inovatie o prioritate pentru cresterea profitabilitatii?
Care ar fi solutiile / relevanta / prioritatile / etapele si bineinteles beneficiile potentiale pentru ca in acest climat economic sa inceapa sa pozitioneze inovatia ca sursa principala pentru performanta? Din postul respectiv a lui Tim am ajuns la “Openness and Credit for Ideas” si cred este interesant de aplicat pe cultura noastra urmatoarea intrebare:
“How can we more efficiently share rights and returns on our ideas?”
“Stop wasting time and energy trying to keep your ideas from other. Focus instead on unlocking the value from those ideas – before someone else does.”
Are o implicatie profunda in cultura noastra si poate sa fie principalul obstacol al profitabilitatii prin inovatie?
Ca sa analizam suplimentar beneficiile potentiale din inovatie, o sursa de informatii completa este “The Innovation Matrix” aplicata pe un studiu de caz al proceselor Procter & Gamble:
Procter & Gamble as an open innovation case study – Tim Kastelle.
“In the late 1990s, their innovation program had lost its way. Successful product innovation was at the centre of their competitive strategy, but their performance had been slipping. P&G had reviewed their Research & Development strategy and increased their budget for the five years leading up to 1999, even though they already had one of the largest R&D budgets in the world.”
The end result is that Procter & Gamble is now considered to be one of the most innovative companies around, and is certainly a world leader in using open innovation.”
“This case illustrates a couple of important points about The Innovation Matrix:
1. You can’t become a World Class Innovator in one jump.”
Te las sa analizezi matricea si studiul de caz, ramane insa intrebarea:
In Romania care crezi ca sunt etapele, solutiile, relevanta, prioritatile si bineinteles beneficiile potentiale ale unui proces de inovatie in interiorul companiei tale?
Suntem convinsi ca in Marketing 3.0 ajungi mai usor adaugand si acest ingredient numit inovatie, in consecinta, te asteptam in retele sociale in care activam pentru un brainstorming despre inovare adaptat la mediul local de business:
Inovatie in Romania? Brainstorming?
LinkedIn – Brainstorming orientare spre Inovatie a mediului local de business
Pinterest – resursa zilnica de informare pentru procese de Inovatie
Facebook – Comunitate orientata spre Inovatie. Update, +4000 +2500 de membrii
Update 09.11.2012:
2013 » Inovatie » Diferentiere » Profit:
O zi reusita!
Tags: Anticipare, Blue Ocean Strategy, brainstorming, Business Strategy, CMO, Diferentiere, Evolutie, Forum Inovare, Inovare, Linkedin, Marketing 3.0, Marketing Mix, Marketing Strategic, Strategie Business, Strategie Marketing, Viziune