Your out of the box choice
for 2017 … ROMANIA
Transylvania is best known as the mysterious land … this central Romanian region is a real place bordered to the east by the Carpathian Mountains, ‘the land beyond the forest’ still feels undiscovered. Here’s the lowdown on one of Eastern Europe’s most captivating regions. Transylvania’s forested valleys and Gothic castles are forever embedded in the popular imagination.
Even before arriving, most visitors can picture this land of fairy-tales, where fog drapes like cobwebs over the Carpathian Mountains …
#Sighișoara în imagini @ Daniel Roșca + video { #povestealocurilor }
Posted by Civilizația și Cultura Neamului R⊕mânesc on Saturday, April 15, 2017
Tags: Old Europe, Romania's Lost Heritage, Roots Experience, Sighişoara, Transylvania