2016? Elimină bariera dintre marketing & vânzări! [atelier strategie]

Strategie 2016 [marketing & vânzări]

Astăzi vreau să punctăm câteva direcţii macro pentru 2016.

“A strategy delineates a territory in which
a company seeks to be unique.” Michael Porter

* 8 puncte cheie despre BOS

1. It’s grounded in data

Blue ocean strategy, developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, is based on a decade-long study of more than 150 strategic moves spanning more than 30 industries over 100 years.

2. It pursues differentiation and low cost

Blue ocean strategy is based on the simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and low cost. It is an ‘and-and,’ not an ‘either-or’ strategy.

3. It creates uncontested market space

Blue ocean strategy doesn’t aim to out-perform the competition. It aims to make the competition irrelevant by reconstructing industry boundaries.

4. It empowers you through tools and frameworks

Blue ocean strategy offers systematic tools and frameworks to break away from the competition and create a blue ocean of uncontested market space.

5. It provides a step-by-step process

From assessing the current state of play in an industry, to exploring the six paths to new market space, to understanding how to convert noncustomers into customers. Blue ocean strategy provides a clear four-step process to create your to-be blue ocean strategy.

6. It maximizes opportunity while minimizing risk

The blue ocean idea index allows you to test the commercial viability of your ideas and shows you how to refine your ideas to maximize your upside while minimizing downside risk.

7. It builds execution into strategy

The process and tools are inclusive, easy to understand and communicate, and visual – all of which makes the process non-intimidating and an effective path to building execution into strategy and the collective wisdom of a company.

8. It shows you how to create a win-win outcome

As an integrated approach to strategy, blue ocean strategy shows how to align the three strategy propositions – value, profit, and people – to ensure your organization is aligned around your new strategy and that it creates a win for buyers, the company, and for employees and stakeholders.

[blue ocean strategy] Don’t compete with rivals; make them irrelevant!

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* #rivals? Make them irrelevant! #BlueOceanStrategy”

Strategie 2016 » » Marketing & vânzări?

[atelier strategie] 2 zile, maxim 6 persoane / companie

B2B vs B2C? Expertiză profesională fondator Agenţie B2B Strategy, Daniel Roşca, LinkedIn:

+40744336643 | roscadaniel@gmail.com | office@b2b-strategy.ro


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