Philip Kotler

Vanzari digitale? Ce se intampla in 5 zile de Social Media?

Despre tipologia Vanzatorului Digital... Oare cate imprimante are Rompetrol? :) Tu ce produse / servicii vinzi? Sa te introduc in subiect... este vorba despre un proces ...


Marketing 20 » Marketing 30? De la produs la spiritul uman…

Cum poti sa iti clarifici in 30 de minute notiunile Balanced Scorecard, Blue Ocean Strategy, Marketing 20 & Marketing 30. Spiritul uman? ...


Pull Marketing vs Push Marketing. Marketing 3.0?

Globalizare vs Identitate nationala? Salut, A fost o saptamana incarcata, pornind de la noul serviciu intensiv de optimizare a performantelor am avut un tur de forta ...


What’s wrong with our world? The 3.0 Era?

3.0 Era? What's wrong with our world? What can we do about it? ..."the nature of humanity"..."the world's ever-growing addiction to materialism" by Tom Shadyac (Regizor Ace ...


Why CMOs Are Facing Extinction?

Marketing 3.0? Why CMOs Are Facing Extinction? "I am worried about CMOs. These game-changing trends will threaten the old marketing guard." Fast Company, iunie 2012, ...
