“Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.” Peter Drucker


Invitatie » Forumul pentru Inovare in Romania 2012

Inovatie? » Va invitam la Forumul pentru Inovare in Romania, joi 18 Octombrie 2012, Bucuresti, Romexpo. Prezentarea noastra » De ce nu vinzi in recesiune? ...


Despre Inovatie in Romania…

Inovatie in Romania? Brainstorming? "Stop wasting time and energy trying to keep your ideas from other. Focus instead on unlocking the value from those ideas ...


Why CMOs Are Facing Extinction?

Marketing 3.0? Why CMOs Are Facing Extinction? "I am worried about CMOs. These game-changing trends will threaten the old marketing guard." Fast Company, iunie 2012, ...


Tu ce viziune aveai acum 12 ani?

Diferentiatori Strategie Business? Banii de la banci depind de planul de afaceri. Viziune Resurse Umane? Implementare » translatia strategiei? "In general, planul trebuie sa contina elementele reale ...


Cum ar reactiona competitia ta daca in 2012 ai castiga 1.5 milioane de euro prin integrarea in Strategia de Marketing a notiunii de Marketing Online?

1.5 milioane de euro generati de un singur blogger? Cum ar reactiona competitia ta daca in 2012 ai castiga 1.5 milioane de euro prin integrarea ...
