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Who’s smarter than a bear?

Pull vs push consumer marketing

Inside the mind of consumers…

As marketing becomes increasingly data-driven, we have to be careful we’re measuring the right metrics. It’s easy to cultivate a false sense of security looking at rosy marketing dashboards that don’t actually tie to business results. Around the executive table, marketing has traditionally had the hardest time proving their value. The correlation between marketing investment and revenue impact has often been fuzzy.

This is particularly true for consumer marketing. When a shopper picks up a particular bottle of shampoo in the grocery aisle, how much of that decision was influenced by marketing? How much of that decision related to years of brand investment, how much to the latest ad, how much to the recent packaging redesign, how much to the placement on shelf, how much to the in-store sales promotion? There are a lot of factors that go into any purchase. How much related to a brand-building message, and how much direct-response? Which tactics should get the credit, and therefore more investment in the future?

Now, who’s smarter than a bear? 😉

They paciently wait upstream while the struggling prospects swim against the tide… they have a proven “Lead Generation Strategy” that has worked for generations… You may be smarter than most of your competitors but are you smarter than a bear?

Connecting brand attributes with the mind of consumers…

Even with online transactions, it can be fuzzy. Credit has often been attributed to the last ad a customer clicked on or the last keyword searched rather than all of the activities that may have played a part. Data can be a marketer’s best friend. Marketing tools are getting better and marketers are gaining better access to data to guide decisions.

Breaking the barrier between sales & marketing!

1. Focus on the behavior and wants of the audience
2. Speak with a consistent, unified voice across all media
3. Continually reinforce awareness among existing customers
4. Allow sufficient time and frequency for awareness gains

A 360 ° analysis: internal employees, clients, influencers and prospects.
The final challenge: connecting brand attributes with the mind of consumers * pdf.

See more [ route to market ] [ future City 2060 ] Daniel ROŞCA

[ LET’S TALK ] [ letstalk@b2b-strategy.ro ]

Campanie optimizare buget marketing 2018 B2B Strategy. Blog

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Who’s smarter than a bear?… they have a proven “#LeadGeneration #Strategy” that has worked for generations… #digital @B2BStrategy1 Share on X

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