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You can’t process your way out of a structural problem
“Message & channel integration are critical just to get customers to hear your message through the noise. But there are two kinds of integration. Campaign Integration & Digital Integration. They have distinct challenges, and very different solutions.”
The Digital evolution in B2B Marketing
Continuous Event Engagement
“In-person events, such as trade shows and conferences, remain the top spend item for many companies and an important occasion for sharing insight and activating points of view among target audiences. Event formats have been evolving rapidly with the application digital, social media, and mobile tools—exposing new and more personal opportunities to learn about and engage with customers. Today’s hybrid events (part physical, part virtual) also allow companies to extend the reach and impact of their events to much larger audiences than ever before.”:
“Progressive companies are pushing for fundamental shifts, aiming to replace the “event mentality” altogether. The most advanced strategies are becoming indistinguishable from ongoing community engagement and content activation efforts rather than being defined events with a recruiting and planning effort up front and a post-event follow-up campaign. In this paradigm, community engagement flows seamlessly across digital and live formats, and the follow-up for one event overlaps with recruiting and content development for an upcoming event, leveling peaks and valleys across time.”
Practica NU teorie!
Structura campanie digitala “Think Out of the Box“:
* analizeaza impactul mesajului in comunitatea noastra / engagement
Marketing Digital vs Vanzari Digitale & Provocari Vanzatori:
Cum arata Strategia ta Digitala?
Ce face competitie ta?
9 posturi in blog, 47.710 persoane / 1 singur canal de comunicare…
* am folosit 5 canale de comunicare… 😉
* fara competitie in Romania:
Click to Tweet: “Social Business? Don’t compete with rivals; Make them irrelevant!
#Digital, #SocialMedia @B2BStrategy2″
+40744336643 | roscadaniel@gmail.com | office@b2b-strategy.ro
Tags: #fărăbariere, Agenţie Digitală, Digital, Externalizare Departament Marketing, Linkedin, Marketing B2B, Newsletter, Social Media, Think Outside the Box, Update Strategie Digitală, Video Blogging