A patra iarnă crypto ❄️
C R Y P T O ❄️ U P D A T E Au fost blocaje în 2011, 2013, 2017 și acum în 2022. Dacă ...
The battle of stories
U L T R A ⚔️ Storytelling Every business is in a battle of stories. Your prospects won't believe hype and they won't pay attention ...
The Lord of the Rings
Stăpânul Inelelor 🔥 Frăția Inelului 🔥 Gandalf vs Gelu Vlădoiu The Lord of the Rings is a film series of three epic fantasy adventure films directed by ...
Your Hero’s Journey
Storytelling in 🇷🇴 MARKETING 💙💛❤ The Power of Empathy the ULTIMATE Storytelling 1. Identifying your Buyer Personas: Making the Hard Choice. 2. Connecting with your Buyer Personas: The Power ...