While Push Marketing focuses on the most likely potential customers, Pull Marketing should be focused on a totally different group of people » NON customers who are not yet ready to become customers at this time.

Digital » Pull Marketing

Strategie Dezvoltare 2013

De ce nu vinzi in recesiune? Avantaj Competitional 5 » 1 versus Competitie? Vineri ne-am intors de la Forumul pentru Inovare in Romania unde am avut ...


Digital Era. Virtual Universe

3.0 Digital Era? Virtual Universe / World "Are we there yet?"..."The Future of Augmented Reality": Cum ar fi daca in acest moment ai utiliza mediul online ...


Comunicatii Integrate

Comunicatii integrate? CIO vs CMO? "Email, instant messaging, social media and more - we are literally being bombarded with messages. What we need is a ...


Segmentare » Arhitectura Brand

Segmentare. Arhitectura Brand. Marketing Mix. Marketing Online. Pozitionare... Dezvoltare continut. Pinterest... "Unitatea Diferentiatorilor"... Marketing 3.0 Marketing 3.0 Era: “… more human and more connected…”: Pozitionare & Strategie Brand? ...


Strategie Social Media Romania 2012 / 2013

Strategie Social Media 2012 / 2013? In Romania? Marketing 3.0 prin New Media? In 2011 scriam despre importanta pozitionarii in Social Media. In iunie 2012 si ...
