A day in a digital agency…
Sales? Who’s smarter than a bear?
“But in the end, for me, the first step in being a better salesperson starts with taking a step back from selling… Gary Vaynerchuk We’re a social-first digital shop that focuses on storytelling across platforms. We use insights gained through micro-content to build creative campaigns that drive actual business results.” VaynerMedia
22 minutes that will help every entrepreneur
calibrate what hustle looks like:
Use your competition energy!
Tweet: “A better #salesperson? Step back & listen!
@garyvee @vaynermedia, @Winelibrary #AskGaryVee #blueoceanstrategy show.”
+40744336643 | roscadaniel@gmail.com | office@b2b-strategy.ro
Tags: Blue Ocean Strategy, Digital, Gary Vaynerchuk, Pull Marketing, Storytelling, VaynerMedia